Best Refrigerator in India
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Buying a refrigerator could get befuddling, particularly with the horde new features introduced in fresher models. To begin, consider the storage capacity you’ll require and choose what type of refrigerator would be generally suitable. After this, things get less complex and all that is required is to check if there’s enough space for the refrigerator in the kitchen, and guarantee that you have got all the features you need. We should start by taking a look at all the types available.

Mini Refrigerator

These are ideal for bachelors and also good as a bedroom fridge. Generally the capacity of mini refrigerators is 40 to 100 liters. The advantages are direct cool, compact, economical, small and no freezer space.

Single Door Refrigerator

These are ideal for couples and small families. Generally the capacity of single door refrigerator is 150 to 300 liters. The advantages are direct cool, economical, ample freezer space and some models have digital auto defrost.

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Top Freezer Double Door Refrigerator

The classic style is ideal for families for three to four. The freezer compartment is at the top of the unit and the refrigerator is at below. Generally the capacity of top freezer double door refrigerator is 230 to 700 liters. The advantages are frost free, large freezer space; most shelves are made with toughened glasses, energy efficient, and use 10% to 25% less energy than bottom freezer and side by side door models. They are least expensive.

Bottom Freezer Double Door Refrigerator  

The classic style is ideal for families for three to four. They are convenient because they keep the refrigerator compartment at eye level and contents within easy reach. Generally the capacity of bottom freezer double door refrigerator is 230 to 700 liters. The advantages are frost free, large freezer space; most shelves are made with toughened glasses, energy efficient. They are least expensive.

Triple Door Refrigerator

These are ideal for families for four to five. Generally the capacity of triple door refrigerator is 240 to 400 liters. The advantages are frost free, freezer on top, shelves are made with toughened glasses, large and separate vegetables drawers usually at the bottom. They are equipped with temperature control and beverage dispensers.

Side By Side Door Refrigerator

These are ideal for larger families that don’t mind sacrificing some fridge space for a lot more freezer space. They are divided into two vertical parts, one side is a freezer and opposite side is a refrigerator. Generally the capacity of side by side door refrigerator is 550 to 850 liters. The advantages are frost free, shelves are made with toughened glasses, large sections, ample space for vegetables and few models have water or ice dispensers.

Refrigerator Placement

After selecting a refrigerator, measure the space you’ve anticipated it to guarantee there’s sufficient space. Likewise guarantee that the refrigerator can go through you doorway, entries, lift or staircase and all purpose of section. Include at least 1 inch on all sides for ventilation and at least four inc=hes on the pivot side of the refrigerator to permit the way to swing open.  

Refrigerator Features

Author(s): upf edu
Published at: 07 Jun 2020 14:24 GMT
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