This website collects the API documentation of the "Integrated Learning Design Environment" (ILDE). ILDE has been created as part of the METIS project (2012-2015). More information and a demo ILDE server is available at
Built on top of the LdShake learning design community platform, ILDE supports cooperation between educators in the creation of learning design solutions using multiple authoring tools integrated in the ILDE (such as WebCollage, OpenGLM, OULDI templates...). ILDE also integrates Glue!PS, which enables the implementation of learning designs into different existing virtual learning environments (VLEs, e.g., Moodle).
To integrate new learning design tools (templates, Web-based or desktop) in ILDE, please check the LdShake API. The LdShake API is organized around REST. This means that every operation will be performed through stanstard HTTP requests and every design will be a REST resource. You will need to set up a REST server with your platform of choice and implement a couple of endpoints according to our API. We have written a guide to facilitate this task explaining every detail that you need to known.
To support implementation into VLEs of designs created with the new learning design tool, please check how to develop new adapters for Glue!PS (both the adapter for the learning design tool depending on the design computational representation and the adapter for the VLE).
In case of inquiries, feel free to contact us at
The ILDE debug is a special build targeted at web applications developers so they can easily integrete their apps in the ILDE. If you register an account you can go to the developers settings page enter your editor configuration. Once you have finished the new editor will be available in the "New LdS" menu. However for your editor to work properly you must follow the LdShake integration guide amd perform the necessary changes to the editor. This should be enough to get ready you editor integration, then tou can submit the configuration details to the ILDE team so we can add your app in the stable ILDE release.
The ILDE development takes place at our github repository. If you are familiar with git and github you can just fork our reposiroty and perform the desired modifications. In the reposiroty there are three tools available, LdShake, GLUE-PS! and OpenGLM. Each tool development has a specific branch where all the activity takes place. For now we have the wic, LdShake, GLUE-PS! and OpenGLM branches. If you find a bug in the ILDE you can file a issue so the corresponding team can have a look on it. If you want to submit some patches you can send a pull request to us.
ILDE environment
In this guide we will go through every step necessary to complete a succesfull integration of your editor in the ILDE. To facilitate this task there is a debug version already set up on our servers where you can register and start working right away, just register an account at When logged in if you click on your username and select "Developer settings" you will be able to configure your authoring tool settings. Once the authoring tool is configured it will appear in the topbar New LdS menu. The LdShake editor system API must be implemented as a set of REST endpoints located on a server on your end, the Figure A shows the two components that you must implement enclosed in a red square. LdShake has a REST client that will connect to your server REST endpoints to perform operations like created new document save or load. If you are using our debug ILDE your REST service must be reachable online. The REST service location must be entered in the developer settings page.Figure A The main components in the editing view are the LdShake top frame environment and the authoring tool iframe as shown in the Figure B. In the LdShake environment your authoring tool UI will be displayed as an embedded app. The user will be presented with the LdShake environment common to all tools that allows to perform task like setting sharing rights, add tags, change the title, set the granularity and completion levels and save the document. The editor iframe is loaded remotely either from the editor server or a development machine. The editor location needs to be entered in the developer settings page.
Figure B
You have the possibility to add a Conceptualization template in a ILDE installation by just writing a xml and the template text. Here is a example of a template configuration.<tool><name>Pupil pattern</name><internalname>pupil_pattern</internalname><type>template</type><menu>conceptualize</menu><settings><filename>pupil_pattern.txt</filename></settings></tool>The filename must contain the template in html code. To ensure that all the code is compatible is recomended that you first edit the text in the ILDE rich text editor and format it and then just click on the code button of the editor and copy the code on the template file. By doing this your users will be presented with a template that will look es expected.
GLUE!-PS (standing for Group Learning Unified Environment - Pedagogical Scripting) is a software architecture and data model designed to deploy (and manage in run-time) learning designs specified in different languages (e.g. the IMS-LD specification), into different existing Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs, e.g. Moodle). If you want to know more about Glue!-PS you can visit the website
This is a quick guide to get started in the task of developing your own Learning Environment adapter for Glue!-PS. If you are interested in adding new functionality to Glue!-PS you can use this guide as a start point as well.
These instructions are based on the current stable GLUE!-PS version 0.5.1, which is available to download in our website. If you have another software version, you should first check it with our team: glueps at gsic dot uva dot es.
At the moment, the Learning Environment adapters used by GLUE!-PS are part of the Glue!-PS architecture, non stand-alone components, so the first step to develop your own adapter is setting up the development environment you are going to work with.
Glue!-PS is mainly developed in Java, so you will need an IDE for Java. We are going to use Eclipse IDE for Java EE (other Java IDEs should also work, but we have not tested them). If you do not have currently an Eclipse installation working, you can download it from
Important: We strongly recommend you to set the “Text file encoding” to UTF-8 in Eclipse’s preferences (Window->Preferences->General->Workspace) to avoid problems with the encoding of the HTML pages of the GLUE!-PS UI.
Besides you will need a MySQL server for the GLUE!-PS database. You can use XAMPP server (, which provides a web-based graphical tool to administrate the database called phpMyAdmin, but you can use whatever you like.
Download the latest Glue!-PS code release at from the section “Install GLUE!-PS on your own server”.
Once you have set properly your development environment, checked that you can run Glue!PS without any errors and the connection with the database is working properly, you can develop your own LD Adapter for Glue!-PS. The src directory contains the Java source code of the GLUE!-PS server. The package glueps.adaptors.ld is the container of the different LD adapters. Each adapter has its own package called glueps.adaptors.ld.adapter_name, where adapter_name is the name of the LD adapter. The adapter has to comply with an interface which defines the methods we have to implement in order to translate the original LD model into the lingua franca model. This is the model used by GLUE!-PS.
We recommend you take a look at the glueps.core.model.* package to familiarize yourself with the GLUE!-PS data model before starting to code. You can also see a GLUE!-PS data model description at
Now, in order to develop the new LD adapter you have to: